Welcome to the Hood River County Library District!
We reach out, supporting everyone to learn, create, and grow.
Free movies with your library card
Enjoy critically-acclaimed movies, inspiring documentaries, award-winning foreign films, and be sure to check out Kanopy Kids!
The number one inspirational resource for DIY, crafters and makers. Enjoy 1000+ award-winning video classes taught by expert artists and designers.
A fun and interactive learning experience that uses cultural insights by native speakers to help you learn how to have realistic conversations in over 70 languages. Learn at your own pace!
Chat with a librarian! Answerland is Oregon’s online reference service – a place where librarians help Oregon residents find answers to questions and provide research guidance 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
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Hood River County Library District is committed to delivering excellent library services to all of the people of Hood River County, Oregon.