Magazines & Newspapers
Hood River County Library District subscribes to a number of magazines and newspapers for people to enjoy at various library locations. You can search the catalog by the title and format.
- Real Simple (Hood River)
- Rolling Stone (Hood River)
- Runner’s World (Hood River)
- Science News (Hood River)
- Scientific American (Hood River)
- Small Farmer’s Journal (Hood River)
- Smithsonian (Hood River)
- Spider (Hood River)
- Sports Illustrated Kids (Hood River)
- The Sun (Hood River)
- This Old House (Hood River)
- Threads (Cascade Locks, Hood River)
- Time (Hood River)
- Vanity Fair (Hood River)
- VegNews (Hood River)
- Vogue (Hood River)
- Vogue Knitting International (Hood River)
- Wired (Hood River)
- Columbia Gorge News (Cascade Locks, Hood River, Parkdale)
- New York Times Sunday Edition (Hood River)
- The Oregonian (Hood River)
- Skamania County Pioneer (Cascade Locks)
- Wall Street Journal (Hood River
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Hood River County Library District is committed to delivering excellent library services to all of the people of Hood River County, Oregon.