Get a Library Card

A library card gets you access to everything the Hood River County Library District has to offer – books, magazines, DVDs, ebooks, audiobooks, streaming movies, and more!
- It’s free to Hood River County residents or property owners of all ages. (Live outside our district or don’t have proof of residency? See the Special Cards section below.)
- Cards may be used at any Hood River library branch and on our website.
- You can borrow physical and digital materials and use all our library services.
- We no longer charge overdue fines! See our Fine Free page for more information.
The District also honors current valid library cards from any other library in the Sage Library System, throughout Central and Eastern Oregon. Materials may be checked out from and returned to any Sage library.
You can find more information about loan periods, damaged items, and fees in our Library Card Policy.
As a member of the Metropolitan Interlibrary Exchange (MIX) and other reciprocal agreements, HRCLD makes it possible for HRCLD resident cardholders to get a free card to use nearby libraries. You’ll need to register for a library card at each library system you’d like to use. Check out and return materials at the library or library system that issued the library card. Other library systems may have different registration requirements, rules and fees. We have reciprocal agreements with these libraries:
- Camas Public Library
- Clackamas County Libraries
- Fort Vancouver Regional Libraries
- Multnomah County Library
- Washington County Cooperative Library Services
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How do our library cards work?
- Each adult patron must have their own card to check out materials. Parents and/or guardians may authorize their children 17 years of age and younger to use their library card.
- To check out, patrons must show the card in person, show it digitally, provide valid photo ID, or verify information on the account.
- Family members living in the same household may pick up each other’s holds. A patron also may allow another individual to pick up his/her holds by giving that individual the card to present at the library.
Ready to get your card? It’s easy!
…or visit a library branch during in-person hours. You’ll need a valid photo ID and proof of address.
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What proof of identity & address do I need?
If you are over 17 years old or a parent/guardian, you need to provide proof of identification and current residence and mailing address. Examples of acceptable proof of identification and residency include:
- Valid government-issued photo ID or voter’s registration card
- Valid student photo identification
- Utility bill
- Hood River County Community ID
- Rent receipt signed by a landlord
- Lease or mortgage agreement
- Imprinted check
- Postmarked piece of mail delivered to the mailing address
For patrons 17 and under, a parent/guardian’s card in good standing may be used as proof of residence and mailing address.
Patrons who come to a library without sufficient identification to get a library card are welcome to use the library facilities, including any materials and equipment, and take any free items on offer.
Please visit our Current Services and Frequently Asked Questions pages for status updates and answers to common questions.
Still have questions? Contact us if you need further assistance.
Special cards for special situations:
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Metropolitan Interlibrary eXchange (MIX) Cards
MIX cards are issued to patrons residing within the service area of a participating MIX library. Cards have the same privileges, restrictions, and ID/address requirements as regular cards but can be used in-person only at HRCLD locations.
MIX patrons must reside in:
Oregon – Clackamas, Multnomah and Washington Counties
Washington – Clark, Skamania, Klickitat Counties; City of Woodland and Yale Valley in Cowlitz County.
Non-Resident Cards (fee-based)
Non-resident cards are issued to individuals who are temporary residents, do not reside within Hood River County, or don’t qualify for MIX, OLPP, and other Sage library cards.
Cards have the same privileges, restrictions, and ID/address requirements as regular cards but expire at the time the individual expects to leave the area or in one year, whichever comes first.
There is a non-refundable fee of $20 for three months or $80 per year. That fee is waived for area camp hosts.
Limited Provisional Cards
Provisional cards are issued to individuals with unstable living situations, such as those experiencing homelessness or those living in domestic violence shelters.
To receive a Provisional card, individuals must present a government-issued photo ID (it does not have to be valid) and give a contact phone number.
Cards are limited to two items checked out at once, one hold on HRCLD items only, are good only at HRCLD locations, and expire in three months but may be renewed.
Oregon Library Passport Program (OLPP) Cards
OLPP cards are issued to patrons who have a valid library card from a participating OLPP library.
OLPP cards have the same privileges, restrictions, and ID/address requirements as regular cards but do not have remote access to the District’s licensed electronic resources and expire one year from the issue date.
Institutional Cards
Institutional cards are issued to organizations or businesses serving Hood River County that wish to use library services for business purposes. Institutional cards may have higher item limits or loan periods.
To create an institutional card, a staff member of that organization must provide a valid photo ID as well as a business card in their name showing their association with the organization as well as the organization’s contact information. Cards are issued at the discretion of the Library Director or Assistant Director.
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