Library Foundation
a non-profit group formed to enhance and expand library programs & servicesAbout the Foundation: who we are & what we fund
Thanks to your support, the Library Foundation raises approximately $85,000 each year – with 2021 being our best year ever thanks to the huge response to the Bookmobile Campaign. This includes funds raised at the Feast of Words, Memberships, our end-of-year giving campaign, and special appeals like the Bookmobile Campaign.
The Library Foundation is an independent 501(c)(3) non-profit organization with a mission to raise funds and community support to ensure vibrant libraries in Hood River County. Funds are distributed at the direction of the Foundation’s Board of Directors, a volunteer group of private citizens.
- Jen Bayer, President
- Dawn Fitchen, Vice-President
- Anne Gehrig, Secretary
- Brianna Lively, Treasurer
- Cathi Lannon
- Bill Weiler
Contact us if you would like to join the Foundation Board or serve on a Committee.
2022-2023 Projects – Donated Total $61,500
- Annual subscriptions for 61 periodicals, 7 newspapers, 6 electronic databases, and movie licensing
- MakerSpace craft supplies to keep kids busy for 2,236 hours
- 1000 books given away FISH
- Support for Bookmobile operations, including: hundreds of free books, dupplies for programs and craft
activities, personal hygiene supplies, and tote bags - $25,000 towards improving access to library services for projects to occur next year
- Donation to the Friends of the Hood River Library for the Hood River Reads Program
In 2021-2022, we raised funds for the Hood River Library masonry repair project, which was implemented in summer 2023. Our beautiful entryway is restored for all to enjoy.

- Magazines and newspapers
- Electronic resources
- Movie licensing
- FISH free book project – Distribute free books through FISH sites.
- Masonry Project – Restore the front entrance of the Hood River Library.
- Theater – Remodel the space to make it a multipurpose room for children, teens and adults.
- Makerspace/Tech Lab – New mural, 3D printer, Virtual Reality equipment and crafty supplies!
2020 Donations to help during COVID-19
- Donated $10,000 to the Hood River County School District to purchase books for students to have at home. These funds are prioritized for students in Kindergarten through 5th Grades
- $4,000 to the library to add more digital subscriptions for library patrons

2019 Projects – Donated Total $60,000
- 2019 Feast of Words raised over $30,000 to improve library services in the community of Odell
- Library of Things collection
- Paint interior of the Hood River Library
- All magazines & newspapers, digital subscriptions, and movie licensing
- Continued support for Hood River Reads
- Benches
2018 Projects – Donated $47,000 Total
- 2018 Feast of Words raised over $23,000 to relocate and remodel the Cascade Locks Library
- New Spanish language collection for use in Odell
- All magazines & newspapers, digital subscriptions, and movie licensing
- Continued support for Hood River Reads

2017 Projects – Donated $50,000 Total
- 2017 Feast of Words raised over $25,000 to update and modernize library furniture and create the Maker Space
- Remodel Parkdale library
- Computer replacement project
- Supplement collection development budget
- All magazines & newspapers, digital subscriptions, and movie licensing
- Continued support for Hood River Reads
2016 Projects – Donated $47,500 Total AND the Endowment Fund grew $53,472!
- Raised $25,000 at the 2016 Feast of Words to revitalize the Children’s Library
- All magazine and newspaper subscriptions
- The downloadable e-book and audiobook service Library2Go including new auto and genealogy databases
- Continued support for the Spanish language collection, purchasing new adult, teen, and kids books, audios, and videos
- Support for Hood River Reads to increase the number of books available to give away
2015 Projects – Donated $55,000 Total
- 2015 Feast of Words Raised over $30,000 to revitalize the Georgiana Smith Gardens adjacent to the Hood River Library. These funds supported improvements to the watering system, new plants, bike racks, fencing — which all help make our library grounds a special place in the hear of Hood River.
- Contributed to periodicals, electronic resources and collections
- Support for Hood River Reads
- 1913 – With the help of local women and a $17,500 grant from the Carnegie Foundation, the original brick building opened its doors.
- 1998 – The Library Foundation was formed to spearhead a $4 million fundraising drive to remodel and expand the Hood River library.
- 2004 – The Foundation led the charge to create Hood River’s beautiful and beloved Georgiana Smith Memorial Library Park by raising $210,000 and securing a land donation from the Stoltz family.
- 2011 – After a year of closure, we reopened our libraries thanks to the Foundation’s $200,000 Open Early Campaignwhich funded all operations prior to receiving property taxes, preventing the District from incurring debt to open the doors.
- 2013 – Creation of a young adult section at Hood River including furniture and an expanded collection of teen books and new magazine section shelving in the atrium of the Hood River branch
The Hood River County Library Foundation is a 501(c)3 charitable organization. Donations are fully deductible as allowed by law.