
Fantasy World Building

Wednesday, February 26th @ 4-6 pm

We’ll continue to build worlds in World Anvil and will work on map making. Bring your ideas!

Ages 12+. Snacks provided.

Fantasy World Building

Wednesday, Marh 12th @ 4-6 pm

This week we’ll focus on creating story arcs for your characters and using World Anvil’s novel writing software.

Bring your own ipad or laptop, or use one of ours. Snacks provided.

Ages 12+. Snacks provided.

Magic the Gathering

Magic the Gathering

Fridays at 4 pm

Come join other players for causal play with an experience teacher leading the group. 

Teen Art Gallery

Check out free ebooks, audiobooks & movies!

Overdrive & Libby

Library2Go for Teens

Your Hood River County Library District card gives you free access to thousands of ebooks and audiobooks for all ages, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Visit the ebooks and audiobooks page for detailed instructions.

When logging in, select from the library drop down menu:  LEO Listens – Libraries of Eastern Oregon

Kanopy Kids


Enjoy critically-acclaimed movies, inspiring documentaries, award-winning foreign films and more for free! Don’t have a card? Sign up for your online card here. (10 per month; also check out the Kids Kanopy – fun for all ages and has unlimited viewings)

Gale Ebooks

Gale ebooks (Virtual Reference Library)

Online database of reference books on topics from pop singers to ancient religions to the galaxy. All easily searched and cited.

SageCat App

Manage your books on the go

SageCat is the official app for the Sage Library System. Search the catalog, place holds, renew items and store your library card on any iOS and Android device.


Find your next read with NoveList Plus

If you want some help finding a new book, give NoveList Plus a try. You can use it to search for new titles and the results will match your preferences.

For the easiest search, try the Recommended Reads Lists. They’re located on the left side of the homepage and span all genres and age levels.

⇒ Enter your library card barcode number when it asks for your Patron ID.


More resources we recommend…

HRC School District Logo

Hood River County School District – Online Learning Games & Resources

These resources are meant for skill building & development and most importantly for fun!

Sync Free Audiobooks

Sync Free Audiobooks

Need more books to listen to? Each year in the Spring, Sync provides free audio book downloads – 2 at a time and available for a week. Then keep them for forever. 

Khan Academy

Khan Academy

Watch tutorials online and practice a wide variety of life skills and academic subjects, from computer programming to printmaking or math to entrepreneurship.

HRCLD logo

Hood River County Library District




Ask a Librarian

Library Cards


Printing / WiFi



Stay Connected!

Hood River County Library District is committed to delivering excellent library services to all of the people of Hood River County, Oregon.