Outreach Services

Odell Outreach
The Hood River County Library District is offering outreach services in the community of Odell this summer.
- Library staff are visiting the Odell Mobile Home park on Saturdays from 10:00am-12:00pm to provide library services to over fifty-eight families. Library staff drive their cars and go door-to-door offering children a selection of books, a craft bag, and a burrito/snack.
- The Hood River County Library District is partnering with the Hood River Valley Parks and Recreation District and Gorge Grown to offer a Pop-Up-Library in Odell. Patrons of all ages are invited to visit the Odell Neighborhood Park on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month through September. The library offers books, to-go or stay crafts, snacks and summer reading prizes. Gorge Grown will offer their mobile market and the Hood River Parks and Rec will have a table set up to sign up people for parks and recreation programs.

Senior Outreach
- Providence Down Manor, 1950 Sterling Pl, Hood River, Second Friday, 10:30am-11:30am. Contact mo@hoodriverlibrary for more details.
Drop off materials
- Providence Dethman House, 1205 Montello Ave, Hood River, Second Wednesday, 11am. Contact mo@hoodriverlibrary for more details.
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Hood River County Library District is committed to delivering excellent library services to all of the people of Hood River County, Oregon.