Law & Legal Resources
Search index of prestigious and comprehensive legal content. Endorsed by the The American Association of Law Libraries.
Criminal Justice
Comprehensive periodical content for researchers studying law, law enforcement, forensic science, terrorism, and more.
Oregon Administrative Rules
All of the rules and filings for Oregon are in one easy to search location. Administrative Rules are created by most agencies and some boards and commissions to implement and interpret their statutory authority.
Oregon Judiciary Branch – Forms Center
Online court forms for the following categories: Family Law, Civil/Criminal/Probate, Protective Orders, Forms for Attorneys & Government Entities, and Specialized Forms.
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Online Resources A-Z:
Educator's Reference Complete*
Entrepreneurship: Gale Business*
Environmental Studies & Policy*
Find a Grave - Hood River County
Gale eBooks (Virtual Reference Library)*
History Museum of Hood River County
Hood River County Chamber of Commerce
Opposing Viewpoints in Context*
Oregon Judiciary Branch - Form Center
Oregon School Library Information System (OSLIS)
Physical Therapy & Sports Medicine*
PSU Population Resource Center
Recursos para Hispanohablantes
*Gale database